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[摘 要] v观全球图书市场,目前童书已成为推动整个出版市场前行的一大动力。童书出版已经成长为中国出版业最具活力的板块。过去的十年(2006―2015年)是中国童书出版业繁荣发展的“黄金十年”,童书出版的“黄金十年”成为出版业界和学术界关注、热议的话题。以图书价格为切入点,可考察分析过去十年间中国童书出版的行业生态状况。从对中国童书价格的数据分析可以洞悉童书的出版、定价与竞争状况:童书出版是我国出版业的重要组成部分,目前童书出版行业的竞争非常激烈;童书的定价总金额增长迅速,单册童书平均定价持续上升;不同种类童书的定价差异大;童书定价呈现两级分化。由童书价格折射出的童书出版行业生态问题有:童书整体定价水平偏高带来负面影响;系列化童书存在“捆绑销售”问题;网络书店售价严重冲击实体书店;童书版税不断抬升进而影响童书价格。中国童书出版能否迎来下一个“黄金十年”,将取决于整个童书出版行业能否实现良性发展,优质的原创内容及有序的童书出版市场环境是其中至关重要的影响因素。

[关键词] 童书 出版 行业生态 图书价格 “黄金十年”

[中图分类号] G231 [文献标识码] A [文章编号] 1009-5853 (2017) 04-0059-05

The Industry Ecology of Chinese Children’ s Book Publishing in a Golden Decade

Wu Yun Sun Mengru

(College of Media and International Culture, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, 310028)

[Abstract] Throughout the global book market, children’s books have become a driving force for the entire publishing market. Children’s book publishing has grown into the most dynamic sector in China’s publishing industry. The past decade between 2006 and 2015, has been the golden decade for the flourishing development of Chinese children’s book publishing industry, which has become a hot topic in the publishing and academic circles. Book price can be taken as a research point to analyze the industry ecology of children’s book publishing in the past decade. From the data analysis of Chinese children’s book prices, we can understand the publishing, pricing and competition of children’s books in China: children’s book publishing is an important part of the publishing industry in China, and the competition among children’s book publishing industry is very fierce; the total price of children’s books has grown rapidly, and the average price of single children’s book has risen steadily; big differences exist in pricing for different kinds of children’s books; children’s book prices present two levels of differentiation. Children’s book prices reflect some problems of the industry ecology of Chinese children’s book publishing: the overall level of Chinese children’s book pricing is high, which brings negative effects; bundling sale exists on the market of children’s book series; the book prices of online bookstore seriously impact physical bookstore; children’s book royalties rise continuously and thus affect children’s book prices. Whether Chinese children’s book publishing will usher in the next golden decade, will depend on whether the whole children publishing industry can achieve a healthy development, in which high quality original content and orderly children’s book publishing environment are the most important factors. [Key words] Children’s book Publishing Industry ecology Book price Golden decade



1 中国童书出版规模、定价现状与总体竞争格局

童书,是指基于儿童阶段的生理、心理特点而出版发行的读物。与之相关的概念有“少年儿童读物”“少儿图书”等。考虑行业数据分析的可操作性及我国大多数少儿出版机构对自身名称的英文翻译(如中国少年儿童新闻出版总社的英文社名为China Children’s Press & Publication Group,长江少年儿童出版社的英文社名为Changjiang Children’s Press),本文选择的“童书”“童书出版”概念均指广义的“童书”“童书出版”,文中将“少年儿童读物”“少儿图书”等相关概念统一纳入童书的范畴进行考察。童书出版是我国图书出版业的重要组成部分,通过将童书市场与整体图书市场进行对比,分析童书在整个图书市场中的出版、竞争与定价情况,可以从总体上把握童书在整个图书市场中的发展状况。

1.1 童书出版业的总体生产规模


1.2 单册童书定价与整体图书单册定价的对比


1.3 童书出版行业的竞争情况

根据北京开卷信息技术有限公司(下文简称“开卷”)《中国图书零售市场年度观测报告》,截至2016年1月1日,全国共有出版社581家,其中35家出版集团下属出版社294家,30家出版集团市场码洋占有率合计达 50.65%,市场集中度有升高的趋势。近年来,参与童书出版的出版社在数量上不断增多,且新进入者实力较强,所以整个童书出版的市场集中度呈现下降态势。2015年,少儿类市场CR5仅有22.32% (注:CR指市场集中度,CR5>60%为高集中度,30%

